Post 5: my future job

 Hello guys, today I´m gonna talk to you about my plans. Long ago when I was at school, I realized that I definitively didn’t want to work indoors, that’s something that I was and still am sure. So based on that, combined with my own interest for nature, reforestation, ecology among other ones I decided to enter my career which is engineering in natural renewable resources. Honestly, I don’t exactly know what I can do in my career, but I have heard that the options are very numerous and that depends on me what I will choose. What I expect from my future jobs is to be able to help nature, reforesting some degraded areas helping the flora and fauna. I also want to help the people in the territory where I will work, giving them solutions or helping to lessen their problems. I also expect to have great relation s with my future workmates and off course that while I’m doing my job I would love to travel in the process, meeting new places, plants, animals, and new people in the way. And hopefully with those troubles I could get some experience for the future, making me better, and so making my future work even better.


  1. With this carreer you got a lot of options to do, hope you can do everything you want!

  2. Hi! I am a Natural Renewable Resources Engineering student, and I have no idea what kind of job I would be doing, but I agree that exists a lot of options depending on what do you want to do.

  3. It sounds like a good job. I also study that career and I love the versatility it has :) you can do whatever you want <3

  4. sometimes it's hard to decide when you have son many options, but I'm sure you'll find the right one :)

  5. It all sounds good!, I hope you get to be working wherever and however you´d like to.

  6. I study the same as you and I'm not sure what they do either. But with so many options, we have to like something haha.

  7. Such a nice and important job. Hope you can find an area that you like.

  8. sound nice hope you can experience all the areas you are interested on :)

  9. Choose between so many options is very difficult :( I hope you find the rignt one for you, you still have time to decide so dont worry


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