Post 7: Changes to my study programme


Hi bloggers, today’s topic will be my career. Nowadays I’m studying engineering in natural renewable resources which is not a known career like others one as medicine, or law, etc. My career has a lot of different subjects that combine mathematics, chemistry, physics, ecology, botanic, flora and fauna, and others subjects that are more related to work with people, as territorial ordering, or practice I, between other ones. As everyone there are some subjects that I don’t like too much, and others one that I love as ecology. Thinking about what I said recently, I would change some subjects of the programme, I would reduce a little bit the mathematics subjects, because we already have a lot as statistics I, statistics II, calculus I, II and III, also we have numeric calculous. As I don’t like too much those subjects maybe I would take them off. I also believe that is important to have more subjects where you can have practice of your future work, but I’m conscious that before that you must learn some basic stuff. But honestly If I really could make some changes in the real life I think that I will leave it just as it is because if you have more subjects that are really different between them you can realize what you really like and what not, so that way you can decide what area you are going to go into the future, as example I think that reforestation will be my area causa I love ecology, botanic, and I’ve hadn’t flora and fauna yet but I’m sure that I will like it. 


  1. hi! I like the mathematics subjects but i agree that they are too many for what we do (I think there are fewer mathematics subjects in the new program)

  2. I also believe that add some subjects similar to the work that we are going to do in the future, will be better for us.

  3. d: after graduating we are gonna realize in our first job that essentials subjetcs didnt have enough hours in the career program

  4. Hi! I would like to have had more mathematics in my program hahah but it must be because I like it and not because it is so necessary for my profession.

  5. well, most of the mathematics used ends up having some use at the end of the career.

  6. Hiii, I definitely agree that is necessary to reduce the amount of mathematics!

  7. It would be nice if we could change the program according to the area we were going to work in in the future, but I think everything we learn could be useful.


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