
Post 8 : English Language Challenges

  Hello bloggers today is our last post. I’m going to tell you about my experience with the subject of English at university. I always loved this subject, when I was at school I didn’t like too much, but suddenly one year it began to like me until today. At university we used different dynamics to practice our English, personally I like to speak in English because I’m not good at it, so I can practice and improve this skill. We also use blogs as you can see , which I like because I can speak about different topics that may not be talked in class, as for example the best concert I have ever been in. I always have thought that I need to improve my speaking and my listening, I improve this last one by listening to music in English trying to understand what it says and watching some videos in English. About the speaking, I try sometimes when I’m alone tossing songs in English, so my pronunciation gets better. Outside the English class I think that I use English but not too much, I mean, I

Post 7: Changes to my study programme

  Hi bloggers, today’s topic will be my career. Nowadays I’m studying engineering in natural renewable resources which is not a known career like others one as medicine, or law, etc. My career has a lot of different subjects that combine mathematics, chemistry, physics, ecology, botanic, flora and fauna, and others subjects that are more related to work with people, as territorial ordering, or practice I, between other ones. As everyone there are some subjects that I don’t like too much, and others one that I love as ecology. Thinking about what I said recently, I would change some subjects of the programme, I would reduce a little bit the mathematics subjects, because we already have a lot as statistics I, statistics II, calculus I, II and III, also we have numeric calculous. As I don’t like too much those subjects maybe I would take them off. I also believe that is important to have more subjects where you can have practice of your future work, but I’m conscious that before that you

Post 6: Time travel in the future

  Hi guys, hope you are doing fine today I’m going to tell you about a time I would like to go in the future. First, I think that’s important that honestly, I don’t expect too much for the next years, at least into the short and median terms. The reason is climate change and the contamination worldwide because the expectations for the next years are not good particularly here in Chile where the drought has been intense, affecting the ecosystems and it may affect us (some people in petorca do not have water to drink). Anyways, If I would have to choose a place and a time, I think that it will be in about 500 years and in some place of Switzerland because nowadays this country count with a great reserve of water besides it has a great standard of life and good technology so I believe that in the future they will conserve or even increase those qualities. So that way if I go there, I will be sure that I’m going to have water to drink at least hahaha, and with their technology they will ha

Post 5: my future job

  Hello guys, today I´m gonna talk to you about my plans. Long ago when I was at school, I realized that I definitively didn’t want to work indoors, that’s something that I was and still am sure. So based on that, combined with my own interest for nature, reforestation, ecology among other ones I decided to enter my career which is engineering in natural renewable resources. Honestly, I don’t exactly know what I can do in my career, but I have heard that the options are very numerous and that depends on me what I will choose. What I expect from my future jobs is to be able to help nature, reforesting some degraded areas helping the flora and fauna. I also want to help the people in the territory where I will work, giving them solutions or helping to lessen their problems. I also expect to have great relation s with my future workmates and off course that while I’m doing my job I would love to travel in the process, meeting new places, plants, animals, and new people in the way. And hop

Post 4: a funny or important moment of your childhood

  Hello guys, today I’m going to tell you about a little funny moment pf my childhood. I was about like 6 or 7 seven years old (I don’t remember exactly) and I was with my mom, my brother and father at the Victoria’s square which is on the south of Chile. I remember that I was doing bad at that moment, and I was angry, and I began to have a bad behavior, screaming and ignoring my parents ‘orders. They were so mad with me that the planned to make a joke. So, what happen after was that I had decided to stay at the square and didn’t go with my parents to the car, so they got inside the car and drove away, leaving me alone. I really became sad and began to cry and a lady that was there went to take care over me. What I didn’t know was that my parents were watching me while they were driving around the square in the car. And then my mom couldn’t take it anymore and quickly went for me and began to cry with me and promised me that she will never leave alone again. Now I remember that, and I

Post 3: My hobbies

  Hello guys, today I´m going to tell you about my hobbies. The first thing that I can think when I have some free time is to watch anime which is Japanese animation, and it is really entertaining because you have all kind of anime such as action, adventure, romance, etc. Personally, some of my favorites animes are “Full metal alchemist brotherhood” and “Evangelion”.  Apart from anime, I also love reading books which are really absorbing, and just like anime there’s also a lot of genders, my favorite book without any doubt it’s “El Código da Vinci” by Dan Brown. These two hobbies are the most frequent by me, I often do these ones like 3 times at week but honestly it depends on how much work I must do for the College. Recently I had not enough time because I had and still must do a lot of activities. Besides from these hobbies, I have a lot more that I also love but I don’t do them so frequently such as ride on bike, take photos, watching series or movies, between other ones.  

Post 2: my best holidays

  It all began in August of 2018, I really didn’t know about this holiday, one day my brother told me that he has bought already the tickets for the flight, and that we were going to go to San Pedro de Atacama. And when he said “we” he was talking about my mother, my father, he, and me. The first thing that we did was go to Santiago’s airport and then take the flight to the airport that is in Calama. Once that we had arrived there, my brother rent a car so we could travel without any problems and more freely. In that moment we went to San Pedro de Atacama, which is relative nearby. Barely we just got to San Pedro all of us began to explore the town, that is small by the way, is very rustic and picturesque.  We did a lot of things like visit the salt flats, bathe in the thermal waters, see the geysers, between other activities. It all took like a week.